Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wild Betta - Wild fighting fish (ikan laga liar)

I am always fascinated by the glowing glitter of the local Betta fish as against the water-paint color of its Siamese counterpart.

When I was told that in Binjai, there is a shop by the name of "Tai Seng Pet Shop" located just opposite the mosque, I drove there during one weekend and none was found.

I went back to the office and talked to the local folks about the possible chance of getting them in some of the aquarium shops in Kemaman.

Subsequently with that information, I drove to the 2 shops, San Sui aquarium and then the Tan aquarium, both do not sell the wild type as I was told the demand is not there (Pasal tu, tak laku lah!)

Look like one has to catch them in the wild; normally in the western part of Malaysia, the habitat of this fish is also infested with leeches! We used to catch them with salts rubbed onto the limbs and also spray the shoes with insecticides so as to deter such blood sucking creatures.

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