Thursday, December 10, 2009

Malaysians in common

Most of the Malaysians at large are not so keen on politics as they are just common citizens who would just like to feed and raise their families, earn a descent living and be happy with life. It really does not matter which party rules the country as long as their livelihood and basic needs or necessities are taken care of. Malaysia has a very small population of 26 millions and with rich natural resources, all of us should be well blessed enough to have a reasonable good life compared to other countries. Malaysians of different ethnic groups in general are friendly and nice people and we could mingle well with each other without much problem. Only some self interest unscrupulous politicians try to stir things up and inevitably polarize the situation and feeling towards other groups in order for them to gain their political ground. That is a very unfortunate thing that happens too rampant in this country.

Human beings always like to have something in common, they like to stick to people of same interest, same background, same language and same religion etc. It is a matter of convenience without having to go through the hassle of the process to learn, adjust and the necessity to explain at length to others of your peculiar hehavior and habits. And this is the common trait of all human beings. When I went into the university, most of my coursemates are speaking Hokkien dialect, and when I met someone from the Cantonese speaking group, I felt very much at ease and automatically joined them for more conversation and activities. It is not a discrimination of any sort, as we just want to choose the easier way out of doing things.

It is also important for Malaysians to live in this country to stress more on the common points rather than the differences. Differences always give the impression of unpredictable, exercise extra care to deal with someone you do not know thinking that you could unintentionally offend them. That has added to most of us the extra burden of having to put in the effort of getting to know the others, and unfortunately many of us are NOT that adventurous by nature!

In our daily life, we must always stress that we are all Malaysians regardless of our race, for any ill fate that befalls any of the ethnic groups, it will not do the others any good. We wish all of them to earn well, eat well and live well, then we will have a peaceful and harmonious society that we all enjoy together. We must even stress that the Muslims and the Christians are within the same category of Abrahamic faith, sharing a major portion of the common Holy Books. And they worship the same God of Abraham though with different interpretations! All the differences and interpretations should not deter us, instead that should further reinforce the fact that, such "rival" religious belief did not collaborate but rather collectively, and also not by mere coincidence that, they relate themselves to the same and common historical background and the God they worship.

May God bless us all!

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