Monday, March 15, 2010

German Technology - A piece of 2nd world war equipment

I always admire the Germans for their efficiency and intelligence even though they did not enjoy a good reputation because of their notorious aggression in Europe during the 2nd world war. I had studied German efficiency course for 3 years in University Malaya and was given a chance to stay in West Germany for 2 months in Stuttgart for a vacational training program in Daimler Benz headquarter. It had given me the chance to help and practise my speaking German to a certain level of proficiency, without which I think I would never be able to achieve. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Volkmar Sturm and Mr. Fleischer for making this possible for me. I have not practised this language for a long long time - " fast alles vergessen" !  The languages that I have learned always find ways for me to use them much to the benefit of my career life, I wonder when this Deutsch language will become useful to me!

My admiration or adoration towards German had prompted me to pursue this particular language program with the intention to understand them more from all possible perspectives. In the current factory that I am working, I came to understand that the equipment was actually from East Germany and it was manufactured and built during the 2nd world war period. Take a look at those photos, could you imagine those are the components of a piece of second world war equipment? I bet you would definitely marvel at the advance in design and precision machining technology that the German possessed more than 70 years ago. Malaysia even at this time might not be able to match them in term of advances in technology. From this piece of equipment we could appreciate and understand the reasons why the Germans were almost invincible during the 2nd world war!

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