Saturday, August 8, 2009

Working Life

As we graduated in the 80's and it is a long time that we work. Most of the time work is fun especially when we were young, energetic and curious when exposed to new things. We equip ourselves, move on the corporate ladder, face the ups and downs of life, the dealing with all kinds of people, and then you will come to a time where you feel working is just trading your limited time of your remaining life with money so that you could further support your family. It is no more fun, not because the job is no good or boring but rather you seem to know too well and a lot of things about the work that you are doing or need to be done, by your past experience gained through these working years. It is beyond words to describe how you feel about working life at this age when you still need to stay the specified hours in a particular working place because your employer pays you a salary for that!

We all toil for a living, not for ourselves but mainly for our family especially our children. Come to think of it, we do all this with our own life, just for them! One day when they become parents, they will know what I mean.

If my son and daughter complete their studies, I will call it a day for this working life and do something more meaningful. If God willing, I will serve Him and the people, so that I could make an impact in the life of others. If God wanted to take my soul, I will tell Him wait, I still have a job undone for you and your people.

One fine day, I hope I could proudly say: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished my race, and I have kept the faith!" May God always bless me with a strong and healthy body.

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